As a brand marketing manager, you understand the critical role that in-store displays play in driving sales. But with countless options available, choosing between clip strips and product hangers can be overwhelming. While both product hangers and clip strips are used as marketing strategies to attract consumers, and increase sales, certain characteristics differ between these retail store display accessories. Let’s break down the key differences to help you make an informed decision.

Difference between a Product Display Hanger and Clip Strips

clip strips manufacturer and exporter custom product display hangers manufacturer
Clip strips, also known as merchandising strips or hanging display strips, are compact and cost-effective display solutions designed to maximize product visibility. They are ideal for impulse purchases and promoting complementary products. Product hangers offer a more substantial retail display, and POP/POS option, providing ample space for product information and branding. They are perfect for marketing new or modified products and can be customized to suit various product shapes and sizes.
Purpose Maximize product visibility, promote impulse purchases Showcase products and display the USP of the brand and product
Design Compact, versatile, and customizable Larger, customizable with more design options
Placement Generally at Checkout counters, endcaps, high-traffic areas Throughout the store, including entryways
Branding Opportunities Limited branding space makes it perfect for startups with a lesser marketing budget Ample space for branding and product information
Type Clip Strips are available in standard as well as branded options Product hangers are generally customized
Product Type Considered more suitable for products with inbuilt hanging packaging such as toothbrushes or air fresheners. Product hangers can be customized for all kinds of products in FMCG, retail, cosmetics, garments, housewares, etc

By carefully considering these factors and your specific product needs, brand and marketing managers can select the best retail product display, and POP/POS solutions that will best enhance your brand and drive sales. Globe Print n Pack offers a wide range of both clip strips and product hangers to suit your marketing goals.

Contact us today to discuss your project and explore our customization options.