Located in Mumbai, India, Globe Print n Pack was established in 1996 by Rahul Gupta. Mumbai, a melting pot of many communities and cultures with a population of more than 20 million, is the financial, commercial and entertainment capital of India.

Rahul Gupta, Managing Director of Globe Print n Pack (second from right), with his staff, Komori representatives, and India distributor

Even while still in school in 1989, Mr. Gupta had already developed a deep interest in crafts. His passion drove him toward establishing this as his profession and afforded him concepts and ideas that would win currency in the global packaging industry. Gupta devoted boundless energy to the development of the enterprise and to creating superior products to meet market requirements.

Trailblazing in packaging


From 1996 to 2000, Gupta traded in packaging materials and then launched his business venture. Since then Gupta has become recognized in packaging as a trailblazer, producing transformations large and small but always innovative.
Globe Print n Pack has also come a long way. Starting from a modest 1,100-square-foot (102-square-meter) facility, the company now operates a huge 20,000-square-foot (1,858-square-meter) Production Facility Centre. It manufactures products such as clear packaging and die-cut boxes as well as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polymer packaging. Gradually, it has also started to offer print design services.
Today clientele includes companies producing Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), pharmaceuticals, stationery, housewares and textiles. Unequaled quality and competitive prices have paved the way for the printer’s success.

Exceptional selection process


Operation has recently seen a major change for the better: the company has installed a six-color Lithrone G40 UV equipped with a coater. And this investment had some very unique aspects. For one thing, Globe Print n Pack had never operated a printing machine. They had always outsourced work but were facing problems of consistency in quality and color variation. The printer reports that the Lithrone G40 took care of these problems in short order: “The Komori press definitely solved our issues. Things are much better now.”
The printer explains how the decision to invest in the Lithrone G40 came about and how the press has improved the company’s operation:
“We saw the Komori presentation at Printpack, the graphic arts show of India, and dreamed of buying a new press. Mr. Awtar Singh of Insight Communication and Print Solution, the Indian distributor, gave us a very detailed presentation and things took off from that point. We had full confidence in the local team here.”

Versatility pays off


“We are also able to offer new services and different products to our clients. Our press is configured specifically for printing on nonpaper substrates. We print on a wide range of synthetic substrates. We also recently printed on 0.8 mm without any problem. Other new avenues that we’re pioneering include producing MET PET items, where PET film is laminated with metal foil, and printing on folding boxboard, which is a paperboard consisting of mechanical pulp between two layers of chemical pulp. The print quality is the same from the first sheet to the last. There are no visible differences in quality at all.”
“We usually operate the Lithrone at between 6,000 and 15,000 sph. We can match any printout color with our new machine, and also match any item on a different substrate. We all are very satisfied with the press and are very confident when printing any kind of job. Our operators have been trained by Komori, and they’re eager for any new challenges. Indeed, we are all enthusiastic about new opportunities ahead.

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